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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Recap of December 2011 Meeting

Our last meeting fell right between Christmas and New Years, and took place at Culture Club 101, courtesy of Elaina Luther. The food for the potluck was both healthful and delicious. Special thanks go out to everyone who brought GAPS-friendly dishes. Our GAPS people really appreciate it! For more information on the GAPS diet, go to: http://www.gaps.me/preview/ or http://www.GAPSdiet.com.

The theme for the evening was The Politics of Raw Milk, and we were fortunate enough to get the inside scoop from Lobbying Consultant Stacy Pearson. After entertaining us with an intriguing story of how she got into politics, we went on to discuss the legislative process and the concept of creating laws that protect and benefit both raw milk consumers and small-scale, pasture-based, sustainable dairy farms. With a brief stint at the newly formed Raw Milk Institute, Stacy was instrumental in inspiring RawMi to redraft its mission as one of not only raw milk safety, but also support and encouragement for raw dairy producers. The current goal is to unify the raw dairy community by giving raw dairy producers the opportunity to discuss and democratically design Raw Milk Safety Standards that take into account both the needs and concerns of raw dairy producers and consumers alike. Stacy has since moved on from the Raw Milk Institute, but leaves us grateful for the lessons learned and the progress made as a result of her tenure. For more information about the Raw Milk Institute, go to: http://rawmilkinstitute.net/.

Thanks to all who attended our last meeting in 2011. We're looking forward to another fun, informative, healthy, and delicious year in 2012!