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Friday, April 1, 2011

Recap of March 2011 Meeting

Our March meeting was both fun and productive. As usual, the food was absolutely delicious. We have some talented cooks in our group! After dinner, we discussed: 1) our newly-forming Grass-fed Beef Buyer's Club with Jaye Park & Dianne Boals, 2) a Cod Liver Oil Buying Club managed by Kevin Coulter, and 3) an upcoming volunteer opportunity to staff the WAPF booth at the 2nd Annual Pasadena Real Foods Symposium sponsored by Culture Club 101 on May 1st. We also discussed 4) finding ways to raise funds for WAPF HQ and the Pasadena CA Chapter. Raising funds will help us support not only the mission of WAPF, but also enable us to sponsor a wide variety of educational activities. The group is interested in using our Buyers Clubs to raise funds. We may also take advantage of opportunities for fundraising at the Real Foods Symposium and at some local farmers markets.

After announcements and a very productive discussion about Chapter Activities, we moved on to our speaker, Monica Ford, who distributed hand-outs on Counter-Top Raw Milk Yogurt. She explained how to propagate a mother culture, and how to use the mother culture to make raw milk yogurt. After patiently answering lots of questions, Monica generously shared two of her mother cultures (Viili and Filmjölk) with the group. Anyone who brought a container from home got 1/4 c. of one of Monica’s mother cultures. The cultures were actually originals from Sweden that Monica had collected in Poland! Thank you so much Monica, for sharing and for educating us!-- Karen

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