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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Big Thank You to our Grass-fed Beef Buyers Club!

Congratulations to the whole Grass-fed Beef Buyers (GFBB) Club for a successful purchase of our first grass-fed steer! Last night's distribution went smoothly, all funds were collected, and everyone seemed happy with their portion. Imagine that, no fighting! I always hear nightmarish stories about other groups fighting over who gets what part of the beef. But not us! We have a great group of gracious buyers! And the logistics of the whole operation went off without a hitch, thanks in large part to our GFBB Club leaders, Jaye Park and Ram Basu. With good planning and foresight, they divided up the meat into piles of different cuts, so that all co-owners of the steer could get a fair selection from each category. Jaye coordinated with Ben, our meat cutter, to get us small, family-sized packages at a discount. Ram found a way to handle the finances so that all funds were collected, every bill was paid (steer, cutting, delivery, & distribution), everyone got what they paid for, and not a penny slipped through the cracks! The cuts averaged about $6 per pound, and we even had a little extra left over to help support our chapter! I think we have something really special here, and I thank everyone involved in this operation for making it a big success! Great work, guys, and happy, healthy eating!

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