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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Recap of June 2011 Meeting

Thank you to everyone who attended our June meeting at Caltech, thank you to Caltech Net Impact for hosting our group, and thank you to Mark McAfee for a wonderful presentation!

Our June 30th meeting was a big success, and the last I heard, someone counted at least 90 people in attendance, with many first-timers in the crowd. Among those who never heard him speak before, Mark elicited strong reactions to the "Raw Milk Secret." If you were unable to attend the meeting, and would like more information (just the tip of the iceberg), click on the "Resources" tab above. There, you'll find a copy of Mark's "Two Raw Milks" handout.

We were very fortunate to have Mark make the round-trip journey from Fresno to Pasadena in one day just for us! Being such a coveted speaker nationwide, we're lucky to have him right here in California. Even among those in our group who have heard him speak many times, the most frequent comment I've heard is how successfully Mark manages to captivate the audience with new information every time!

Thanks again to all who attended, and thanks for helping spread the word beyond our group. Special thanks to all those who made delicious WAPF-friendly treats to share. They were gobbled up in no time, and inspired at least 10 new members to join our group! Way to go, WAPF-Pasadena! and Way to go, Mark!

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