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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Newsflash! Food & Freedom Night Tonight!

Hello to Members and Friends of the Pasadena Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

As you may have heard, Organic Pastures raw milk operation has been temporarily shut down, most likely until after Thanksgiving, for pathogen testing. May of us here at the WAPF believe that this is a politically and economically motivated action designed primarily to hurt the Raw Milk market and protect the interests of Big Dairy. (And personally, I believe it's no coincidence that this action comes not only right before Thanksgiving, but also right after Mark McAfee's announcement of the founding of the Raw Milk Institute this past Sunday 11/13 at the Wise Traditions Conference in Dallas.)

At this point our movement needs as much help and support as it can get. Please seriously consider attending "Food and Freedom Night" TONIGHT (Thursday 11/17/11) at Culture Club 101 in Pasadena to show your support for this cause and commune with like-minded souls.

This is a VERY serious issue. Corporations are running the US government, and our freedom is at stake. We NEED and MUST use our voices in this grass roots movement to create a Tipping Point so small sustainable family farms are no longer put out of business by the powers at be. If you care about your health, your freedom, the environment, global warming, sustainable agriculture, or animal rights, then please try to be there!

Please come show your support tonight! And let's help turn this Movement into a Revolution!

Thank you for your support,

Karen Voelkening-Behegan
Pasadena CA Chapter Leader

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