Our March potluck dinner meeting took place at my home in
Sierra Madre. With about 25 guests in
attendance, we learned how to make biodynamic compost from local expert Jack
McAndrew. Jack was formally introduced by one of his students and protégés, fellow WAPF member, Susan
Hardman. Susan gave us some helpful
background information during a brief slide show about the history of biodynamic composting in the tradition of philosopher and Waldorf School founder,
Rudolph Steiner. Another one of Jack’s protégés, Stefan Hagopian of Skyline Organic Farms shared some of his fine wines grown in Topanga using
this esteemed agricultural tradition. Steven Wynbrandt, a third biodynamic gardener known for his urban farm in LA attended the meeting as well.
After Susan's informative introduction, Jack showed us how to build a compost pile
using a variety of different layers, each sprayed with just enough water to
reach the consistency of a “wet sponge.”
Layers included most importantly cow manure, as well as hay, vegetable
scraps, and a special mixture of herbs meant to provide the appropriate balance
of minerals and other special properties.
This layering, ideally set in a
shady spot, should reach the suggested critical mass of 15’ x 6’ x several feet
high, and then be covered with mesh and left undisturbed for 6 months. Once done brewing, the resulting compost is
purported among agriculturalists to be the richest, most coveted growing
material for plant cultivation. For more information about his methods, see Jack's handouts where you will also find his contact information.
I think most people at the meeting were both saddened and angered to come face to face with yet another small sustainable family farm's misfortune, due simply to some misconceptions created by a single hostile neighbor. This sounds like another case for the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund. True to form, hardly a meeting goes by without the mention of some sort of governmental resistance to the cultivation and distribution of naturally-grown and traditionally-prepared nutrient-dense foods. That is why we continue to hold our meetings not only for cameraderie, but also as a way to educate the local population and create a greater demand for traditionally grown and prepared foods.
For further reading on the subject of Biodynamics, Susan Hardman recommends:
Agriculture by Rudolf Steiner
Agriculture Course: The Birth of the Biodynamic Method by Rudolph Steiner
What is Biodynamics? A Way to Heal and Revitalize the Earth by Rudolph Steiner
Culture and Horticulture: A Philosophy of Gardening by Wolf-Dieter StorlA Biodynamic Farm for Growing Wholesome Food by Hugh Lovel
Thanks again to Jack, Susan, Stefan, and Steven for all they do to live the biodynamic lifestyle and share it with others!
And don't forget to mark your calendar for our next two events coming up in April:
1) On Sunday, April 28th, we'll be going on a field trip to Koreatown in LA for a traditional Korean dinner. For more information or to register for the event, go to our Special Events page.
2) On Tuesday, April 30th, we'll have our next monthly potluck dinner meeting featuring a great film, American Meat, which will teach us all about the growing movement across the USA to rebuild a vast network of small, traditional, sustainable farms that provide the freshest and healthiest foods possible to our local populations.
See you in April!
Your Chapter Leader,
~ Karen