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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Recap of April 2013 Potluck Dinner Meeting - Our 3rd Anniversary, Our New Chapter Co-Leader, & American Meat

Theresa Cardinali & Karen Voelkening-Behegan showing off
Terry's 3rd Anniversary cake for the Pasadena Chapter of the
Weston A. Price Foundation. 
With 15-20 people in attendance, we all enjoyed another tasty meal in true potluck style.  This time the selections comprised mostly cold foods including a variety of salads, some sauerkraut, raw cheeses and meats, and some fresh fruit.  The one warm exception was a flavorful mixed grass-fed meat stew prepared by Aaron Zober in the spirit of our film of the evening, American Meat.  For dessert, upon special request, Theresa Cardinali prepared a moist and raw honey-sweetened gluten-free carrot cake to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of our 1st chapter meeting on Earth Day 2010.   Thanks, Terry for another great dessert!

Aaron Zober, new Co-Leader of the
Pasadena CA Chapter of the
Weston A. Price Foundation
To further recognize our 3rd anniversary and the steady growth of our chapter over the last 3 years, I also announced that our chapter will be welcoming a new Co-leader, blogger and host of the Appropriate Omnivore weekly internet radio show, Aaron Zober.  Aaron will be a wonderful addition to our chapter leadership, as he is very devoted to our cause, hard-working, and well-connected with many folks in the Real Food community.

Welcome aboard, Aaron, and congratulations on becoming our chapter’s first Co-leader!  We will post more about Aaron and his work with our chapter in the months to come!

Finally after a relaxed and friendly dinner hour, the group convened to the community room upstairs for the film, American Meat.  If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it for its compassionate message of hope.  Unlike many films full of doom and gloom about the woes of conventional farming and the dangers of the Standard American Diet (SAD), this film provides thoughtful interviews of farmers on both sides of the fence!  It explains the simple economic truths of both conventional and traditional/sustainable farming models, and offers a very inspiring message:  Positive change is underway, and we can continue to move forward towards a better future simply by encouraging more young people to take up traditional farming.  The whole idea is to re-establish a nationwide system of community-based sustainable agriculture.  For more on the film, please see the trailer.

Thanks to all who attended our Third Anniversary meeting!

We hope to see you at our next chapter meeting, and don’t forget to attend the upcoming March against Monsanto happening in locations all around the world on May 25th 2013.  Let’s keep Real Food alive!

Your Chapter Leader,

~ Karen

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