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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Our January 2014 Potluck Dinner Meeting: In Organic We Trust

by Aaron Zober

The Weston A. Price Pasadena Chapter kicked off the new year with its January event.  The first potluck meeting of 2014 had a large turnout with about 30 people, consisting of some long time attendees as well some new people finding out what the group is about.  As usual, the meeting started with the potluck dinner where people brought everything from local pastured meats, raw cheeses, fermented veggies, and a great variety of grain free desserts.  

After the dinner, we moved upstairs to watch the documentary In Organic We Trust.  The film opens with interviewing people on the street as to what they know about organics.  Many people didn't know exactly what it involves, but believe that it's the healthy way to eat.  

In Organic We Trust then goes into explaining specifically what it means to be organic.  The doc emphasizes that being certified organic doesn't mean that foods can't be sprayed with anything.  Certain sprays are allowed, such as ones to wash the produce.

In Organic also delves into the government regulations companies have to go through to get certified as such.  The film additionally makes the point that some organic products can be heavily processed as well as can be transported from far away before they make it to supermarkets.  

After discussing some aspects of organics that the general public might not be aware, In Organic We Trust then works its way into the advantages of this type of agriculture.  The doc explains how organic certification outlaws the use of many toxic pesticides. In Organic also brings up how the procedure forbids hormones and antibiotics from being administered to livestock. 

The overall view taken about organics by In Organic We Trust is that this system of farming has many advantages, but they can get lost with government involvement and corporations cashing in on the term.  The last part of the documentary brings into play further things we can do, such as having classrooms teach more about nutrition and starting school gardens.  In Organic also stresses the importance of local farmers markets.  

There's a lot of invaluable information that we as Weston A. Price members can get out of In Organic We Trust. The doc had a segment in it that mentioned the importance of mixed farming, using livestock to fertilize fruits and vegetables.  This concept is a major part of the WAPF and the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund's mission.  

Another part of In Organic We Trust that registered with me was sequence of shots containing processed foods found in the supermarkets that have USDA organic certification.  Any food containing organic canola oil, agave syrup, or textured soy protein is still best to be avoided.  Also while organic cookies are better than cookies filled with GMOs, they're still cookies and should remain occasional treats.

Thanks to all who attended the January potluck and got the chance to start what will be another great year of learning about nutrient dense foods and natural living.  I hope to see you at the end of this month where Dey Dey's Best Beef Ever founder John DeBruin brings us the latest news about the pasture raised cows and chickens at his Lompoc farm.  

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