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Thursday, June 19, 2014

May 2014 Potluck Dinner Meeting - Natural Vision Improvement with Carlos Moreno

by Karen S. Voelkening-Behegan, MA, NTP, CGP

Hello, Everyone.

For the month of May, in lieu of writing an article, I recorded a Skype interview with our guest speaker, Carlos Moreno of CenteredVision.com.  I'm a novice at this, so the sound and lighting aren't the best, but I think you'll get the picture! 

 Natural Vision Improvement:  Karen's Interview with Carlos Moreno

Natural Vision Improvement:  Karen's Interview with Carlos Moreno

Also here's a link to the handout that Carlos shared:

The Freckled Boy by W. H. Bates, M. D.

And a few photos from our May meeting:

For those of you who missed the meeting, I hope you enjoy the video interview, and I hope to see you at our next meeting on June 26th when we'll be enjoying another potluck dinner and learning about sustainable seafood for Californians.

~ Your Chapter Leader, Karen

1 comment:

  1. Does anyone have any comments to share, either about the meeting or this blog post?
